
As a result apple and foxconn agreed to improve working

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In 2012, Apple, Inc., responded to extensive criticism over the working conditions at its Chinese contractor, Foxconn. Press reporting of numerous suicides and allegations of abhorrent and illegal working conditions pressed Apple to engage third-party NGO Fair Labor Association to investigate and report. As a result, Apple and Foxconn agreed to improve working conditions through reduction of required overtime, improved safety protocols and upgrade living conditions in company dormitories.

Should Apple be responsible for the working conditions of a contractor in another country?

1 Gupta, P. (2012). Apple, Foxconn set new standard for Chinese workers. Givology. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/30/us-apple-foxconn-idUSBRE82S19720120330

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Articles regarding the subject agreement that students will find useful:

  • Beaumont, C. (2010). Foxconn suicide rate is lower than in the US, says Apple's Steve Jobs. The Telegraph. Retrieved from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/steve-jobs/7796546/Foxconn-suicide-rate-is-lower-than-in-the-US-says-Apples-Steve-Jobs.html.
  • Bostic, K. ( 2013). Apple supplier Foxconn still exceeding work hour laws. Apple Insider. Retreived from  https://appleinsider.com/articles/13/05/16/report-apple-supplier-foxconn-still-exceeding-work-hour-laws.
  • Qiang, L. (n.d.). Beyond Foxconn: Deplorable working conditions characterize Apple's entire supply chain. Labor Watch. Retrieved from https://www.chinalaborwatch.org/report/62

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