
As a jesuit and mercy institution the college of business

College of Business Administration

Student Academic Integrity Policy

Write a Reflection Paper on Academic Integrity policy of University of Detroit Mercy in approx 500 Words.

As a Jesuit and Mercy institution, the College of Business Administration at the University of Detroit Mercy strives to uphold the highest ethical standards. We expect students, no less than faculty, staff, and administrators, to behave in a professional, honest, and responsible manner.

Violations of academic integrity weaken the quality of an educational institution and degrade the value of its degrees. The policy described herein applies to all students enrolled in the College of Business Administration (CBA) and other students taking CBA courses.


Cheating by acts of commission or omission is unacceptable. Misrepresentation in academic work includes but is not limited to:

  • Submitting the same paper, project, or presentation in more than one course without theexplicit permission of the appropriate instructors.
  • Any form of plagiarism, especially failure to acknowledge ideas or language taken fromothers, and submitting work prepared by others.
  • Submitting research that misrepresents the way in which the work was completed.
  • Collaborating with others on projects expressly intended to be completed individually.
  • Copying, transmitting, or sharing examination materials without authorization of the instructor.
  • Deliberately making false accusations of academic misconduct against others.


Any member of the academic community may report an alleged violation of academic integrity in writing to the instructor of record for the course or the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.

Students who are aware of violations of academic integrity are expected to report those violations immediately. A student who has questions about academic integrity is encouraged to seek guidance from his or her Discipline Coordinator or academic advisor.

Within 7 days of becoming aware of the issue, the instructor will document the alleged violation, notify the Assistant Dean, notify the student of the accusation, and request a meeting with the student within the next 7 days. The student in question will not be permitted to withdraw from the course unless the allegation is determined to be false. If the student chooses not to schedule a meeting or fails to attend a scheduled meeting, (s)he will be found to have violated the academic integrity policy. If, as a result of the meeting, the faculty member determines that a violation occurred, (s)he will impose an appropriate sanction, notify the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs in writing, and provide a copy of the letter to the student. The student will have one week in which to appeal the decision to the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. The Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs will review the documentation, discuss the case with the parties involved, and make a recommendation to the Dean for final adjudication. If it is determined that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, the incident will be documented in the student's permanent file. The College of Business Administration reserves the right to impose sanctions beyond those imposed within the course.


Penalties within a course for breaches of academic integrity may include, but are not  limited to:

  • Written reprimand
  • Failure on an assignment
  • Reduction of final course grade
  • Failure of a course.

Other penalties for breaches of academic integrity may include, but are not limited to:

  • Written reprimand
  • Disqualification for academic honors and/or initiation into honor societies
  • Revocation of scholarships

• Expulsion from the College and/or University. 

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Business Law and Ethics: As a jesuit and mercy institution the college of business
Reference No:- TGS01524252

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