
As a health care administrator how would you suggest

Question and Scenario

The opioid problem in Virginia and across the United States is a public health and public safety emergency. As reflected in the statistical information from various sources and reports, overdose is the leading cause of accidental death, and heroin and opioids are involved in the majority of those cases. The direct and indirect costs of this epidemic to victims and families are staggering. The problem is terribly complicated and requires urgent attention, new ideas, and a solution.

As a health care administrator, how would you suggest addressing this epidemic from a continuum of care approach perspective?

Directions for completing assignment

- Write a response to the question in approximately 700 words. (Assignments significantly under or over the word limit may be penalized.) Your title page and references are excluded from the word count.

- Marks will be awarded for a logical approach as well as accurate content.

- Please cite your sources correctly in APA style. References should be less than seven years old and you should use at least two peer-reviewed journal articles or reputable websites. Sources like newspapers, Wikipedia, and lay websites are unacceptable for use as a reference.

- Similarity Index (in Turn It In) for this assignment is at 20%. Any paper with a similarity index greater than 20% will be penalized.

- Please see the grading rubric for score allotments. All assignments will only be evaluated using the grading rubric. All grades on Blackboard are final.

- Please submit the assignments in the designated assignment Drop Box in Blackboard. No other submission method is acceptable.

Guidelines for submitting assignments

1. You must know how to conduct research to obtain journal publications and how to use the ODU Library databases for obtaining information. (Consider using the following journal databases for research in this course: EBSCOhost, Medline, PubMed, ProQuest, SAGE Journals Online.) The Community & Enviornmental Health Subject Guide is a useful resource. You can also request assistance from the library staff, if needed.

2. You must use the current APA Manual when you write all papers.

3. All typed work should be in Arial [font size 10] or Times New Roman [font size 12]. All work should be double-spaced.

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Term Paper: As a health care administrator how would you suggest
Reference No:- TGS02671031

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