
As a group present for approximately 30 minutes on one of

Group Presentation: Research Security vulnerability tools using Kali (Linux)

As a group, present for approximately 30 minutes on one of the following topics. Groups need to self-organise in earlier weeks, and choose a topic in-class.

Tutors will ensure that no two groups have the same topic.This task requires you to create a Kali hacking tools presentation by researching, experimenting with and explaining hacking toolsfeatures.

After completing this task you should be able to use built in tools in Linux Kali to do vulnerability testing for the systems.

You should select one tool from the following list(Select only one tool for assignment which ever is easier for you):

• Hydra

• Maltego

• Zed Attack Proxy

• Burp Suite

You are required to investigate your selected tool and explain the syntax of the commands you use. Your presentation must include at least 6 screenshots that demonstrate different features of the tool.

Your presentation should be sufficientlydetailed to enableaudiences to be able to use the tool.

You can prepare the presentation on the selected tool containing following headings;

1. Introduction of the tool

2. Features of the tool

3. Techniques used by the tool to exploit vulnerabilities of information systems

4. Experimental setup and evidence of usage of the tool. Include screenshots of vulnerability testing.

5. Shortcomings of the tool and possible improvements

6. Conclusions

. References

Presentations will be 5 minutes, multiplied by the number of people in your group. If there are more groups than topics, then topics can be done by more than one group, at the tutor's discretion.

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Management Information Sys: As a group present for approximately 30 minutes on one of
Reference No:- TGS02791701

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