
As a first step to propose the group to your supervisor you

Question: 2-3 page assignment

1. Imagine you are working in a community agency and would like to offer a group. A survey of clients reveals that there is a community need to address one of the following topics:

• Divorce and parental conflict.

• Traumatic loss and bereavement.

• Management of anger and impulse issues.

• At risk behaviors for youth

• Compulsive disorders.


• Intimate partner violence.

• Successful aging group.

• Caregiving for vulnerable populations.

• Substance use and gambling recovery.

As a first step to propose the group to your supervisor, you will identify research that supports the use, need, or appropriateness of group counseling for this topic for children, adolescents, adults or older adults.

Include the following:

• Title: Select a succinct title that communicates the group topic (issue or problem) and population.

• Type of group: Identify whether the group is counseling, psychotherapy, or brief. Do not propose a psychoeducational group, as it does not meet the requirements for the course project.

• Research support: Incorporate current peer reviewed articles (no more than five years old) supporting the use, need, or appropriateness of group counseling for the selected population. Make sure that there is sufficient scholarly research before submitting your project topic.

Submission Requirements: Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate level scholarship.

• APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to current edition APA style and formatting.

• Number of resources: Minimum of four scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.

• Length of paper: 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages. Abstract and Table of Content pages are not necessary.

• Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

You are required to submit your final version of this paper to Turnitin to generate a final report prior to submitting the assignment for grading. From the Turnitin tool, first submit to the draft link to check your work for any necessary edits. Once the paper is finalized and all edits have been made, submit your final paper to the Final report option for the assignment. Please be advised it can take up to a day to obtain the percentage from Turnitin. When your paper is downloaded and viewable in Turnitin, save the originality report. Refer to the Turnitin.com Tutorial: Viewing Originality Reports (linked in the assignment resources) for guidance.

19. Submit your assignment using the following file naming format: Your Name_AssignmentNumber_Assignment Title (example: Ima_Learner_u03a1_ClientDescription).

20. In the comment section, provide the percentage from the final Turnitin report (example: Final Turnitin percentage = 4%). Please be prepared to provide your faculty member with a copy of the Turnitin report should this be requested of you.


• Proposed Topic and Population Scoring Guide.

• Turnitin.

• u02a1 Paper Template [DOC].

• How Do I Find Peer Reviewed Articles?.

I selected compulsive behavior in adolescents

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Dissertation: As a first step to propose the group to your supervisor you
Reference No:- TGS02939845

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