
As a consumer which research method do you find welcoming

In this unit, you learned about the various aspects of marketing, including marketing research. One interesting aspect of collecting data from consumers is actually getting them to participate in the study.

So, as part of this discussion, let's talk about what that looks like from a consumer's perspective.

Share your thoughts about marketing research from two perspectives:

(a) As a consumer, which research method do you find welcoming (meaning that you would not mind participating in the study as a consumer)? Will the right incentive lure you into a study?

(b) As a marketing professional, which research method would you prefer to utilize?


The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify the basic principles of marketing. You will describe a target market, market segment, and a message, and explain how marketing research contributes to reaching a specific audience.


Web Assignment

This assignment allows you to demonstrate the following outcomes:

4. Identify the basic principles of marketing.

4.1 Identify both the potential target market and the potential market segment that a business intends to reach.

4.2 Identify the connection between a commercial's message and the specific market segment.

4.3 Identify how marketing research contributes to reaching a specific audience.

Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify the basic principles of marketing.

First, locate two commercials by Coca-Cola that are available on your favorite video-hosting website (i.e., YouTube). Insert the links to each video in the table below.

Then, view each commercial while considering the questions in the table, and complete the table by answering the questions as they pertain to each commercial.

Finally, save all of your work to this template and submit it in Blackboard for grading.

Items to Identify

1. Provide a link to each commercial.

2. What product/service is offered in the commercial?

3. What message does the commercial send to the audience?

4. How would you describe the general target market for the company? Be sure to include the following as you describe the target market:

• Age range

• Likes/dislikes

• Interests

• Life goals

5. How would you describe the specific market segment that the commercial is designed to reach? Be sure to include the following as you describe the market segment:

• Age range

• Likes/dislikes

• Interests

• Life goals

6. What is the connection between the commercial's message and the specific market segment?

7. Prior to producing the commercial, how would utilizing a marketing research method(s) contribute to reaching the intended audience?

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Marketing Research: As a consumer which research method do you find welcoming
Reference No:- TGS02480999

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