
As a career in supply chain management has no bounds and is

As a career in supply chain management has no bounds and is only limited by the one using it's practices. The one part that jumped out to me in the last chapters of this book was the meeting that Paul and Roger healed with the other store managers. They needed to hold the meeting as other centers were not on the same page with Paul's supply movement strategy since they simply just didn't fully understand it. Several of Paul's employees also asumed that the store would be closing soon as all that they noticed was their store inventory getting smaller and smaller and a lot of empty shelves. I do think that Paul should of held a private meeting with is staff at a much sooner point in time in order to have every one in his store on board with his strategy and thus work better as one to achieve their goals. This would of not only limited some of the stress that his staff felt and the confusion but further aided in the integration of his plan. The communication that he had between his work force was health though since they were able to share good information that lead to further improving his initiative. He was able to see the potential that he was simply leaving on the table since he wasn't fully using his store shelves and areas in the best way to further increase his sales. At the same time, he was able to convince his staff to join in the new inventory plan and reduce their fears of the store closing thus saving his store from losing vital sellers. Back o the meeting he held with the other store managers, he was able to express his ideas in a way that everyone understood them and get them all on board. This wasn't simple as everyone had their doubts and questions over the new direction Paul was taking and weren't that easy to convince. He, however, came prepared as he had talked his presentation over with the company's soon to be new CEO Caroline and Roger his warehouse connection. We have all taken classes in how to work a presentation and lead a meeting in order to get your plans properly understood which I believe was shown perfectly here. Paul dealt with properly getting his points across and properly connecting with those in the meeting while also bringing in his business partner Roger. Roger wasn't just their for show as Paul used him in the best way possible by allowing him to take point on any questions or issues other store managers may have had over warehousing questions. He also was able to later on in the book not only get the attention of his brother-in-law but also of the company's former CEO, his father-in-law. I think that this book placed Supply Chain Management in a more real life situation by showing how it affected a family and their business lives and how they all tie together. It really kept me interested by allowing me to follow Paul's character and see how he handled the situations in his life.

Do you see anything that you would have changed his the meeting Paul healed with either his staff, other store managers, or higher up business executives?

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Operation Management: As a career in supply chain management has no bounds and is
Reference No:- TGS01271952

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