
Arubav2abr10 as part of the formal assessment for the

Assignment Brief: As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit an Approaches to Business Research assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Assignment Task: The assessment for the Approaches to Business Research module requires you to prepare a Research Proposal. This proposal will normally form the basis of the research which you undertake for the dissertation module of the BA (Hons) Business at level 6.

This means that your Research Proposal should focus on the application of business and management principles in an organisational context. In other words, the proposal must focus on an important business and management issue in your organisation, or another organisation. You will probably find it easiest to base your research in your own organisation but sometimes this is not possible, perhaps because you are currently not employed or your organisation will not let you conduct research in the organisation. In these sort of circumstances you need to find an organisation that will allow you to carry out research in it.

The business and management topic which you choose must be realistic and capable of being undertaken within a reasonable timeframe.

Lesson 2 in Unit 4 of the online materials provides further guidance on how to write a Research Proposal.

The structure of a typical research proposal will look something like:

• Title page

• Contents page

• List of Tables and Figures

• Introduction (500 words)

• Literature Review (1000 words)

• Methodology (1000 words)

• Reflections and Resources (500 words)

• Bibliography

• Appendices

Those sections in bold contribute to your word count for the assignment, and suggested guidelines for each section. Please note these word counts are merely suggestions of the type of balance to achieve, they are not maxima, merely a rough guide which will help you to achieve the appropriate focus and balance in your proposal.

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Dissertation: Arubav2abr10 as part of the formal assessment for the
Reference No:- TGS02848296

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