
Artists depictions of women

Discuss the following:

"Women in Art" Please create 1 paragraph per part with a minimum of 125 words for each part of the discussion by answering to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

There are Two parts to each Discussion Option B.

1) Select two paintings depicting females by both a male artist and female artist named within the Explore section. Compare and contrast these two depictions of women, and comment on any general tendencies that you detect among artists of that era in this respect.

2) Compare this situation in the late 1800s to the way females are depicted in our own modern times, using at least one (1) specific modern example.

Evaluation Criteria For Threaded Discussions: Your discussion should have one paragraph with a minimum of 125 words for each part of the discussion. Discussion question(s) should present well-reasoned and thoughtful analyses. Each student will also need to respond to a classmates Original Discussion Thread. The response needs to have a minimum of 50 Words and add to the discussion topic. Don’t simply say “I agree with so-and-so” or “ Mona Lisa is cool” and expect that to suffice.  I look for well-reasoned and thoughtful comments; I will not penalize you for opinions with which I disagree.  You are not limited to one post and are encouraged to be actively involved in the discussion.


Artists’ Depictions of Women

Manet, Degas, Dewing, Eakins and by female artists Cassatt, Morisot,

Haudecort-Lescot, Sara M. Peale

National Museum of Women in the Arts at

National Gallery of Art (search by artist name)

at https://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/artists.html?pageNumber=1

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Other Subject: Artists depictions of women
Reference No:- TGS01770594

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