
Artistic notions of the psychedelic bands


Student ResponseJerikhoDayot (Government)
My congressman is named Lou Correa of California's 46th Congressional District. Congressman Lou Correa is currently working on a bill that will "Require the Attorney General to make grants to nonprofit organizations to offer legal assistance to certain aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence, DACA recipients, and refugees, and for other purposes". This bill was first introduced on February 3, 2017 and is still pending as of right now. I think that this bill should be passed because it will help a lot of families who seek for a better life here in the United States. The U.S has been a home to many immigrants and have been staying here for a long time. Most families immigrate to the U.S to fulfill their own version of their "American Dream" and be able to provide a better life for their families. I also think that my congressman made the right and good decision to vote for this kind of bill because as I said earlier it will help many families. Furthermore, if this bill is passed then many children will have a better opportunity to study and have education. Several countries does not offer free schooling to children. For example, most schools in the Philippines does not receive any government funds. In result, they would have to pay in order to go to school. So I think that this bill should be passed because not only it'll help many families but it'll also help them achieve their goals.

Writing Directions:
In at least 250 words, compose an initial post regarding the following prompt:
Study advertisements for companies that produce oil, plastics, or chemicals. Do they use nature as a backdrop, as Corbett describes, or is nature presented in a different way? Use your observations to describe and critique the techniques such companies use to present a positive public image. As an alternative, do the same with automobile advertising, focusing on ads for SUVs (you might study a magazine such as Car and Driver or consult promotional material on auto companies’ Web sites). Or study advertising that promotes alternative-fuel vehicles, such as the Prius, Volt, or Leaf.

Topic (Band)
Progressive rock embraces many of the artistic notions of the psychedelic bands. How do they build on these foundations? What other influences are present in their approach? How do they distinguish themselves from each other?

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Artistic notions of the psychedelic bands
Reference No:- TGS01942890

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