
Articulation of how design thinking techniques were used to

Project - Current Organisational Problem Challenge (Group Assessment)

An invited CEO/Director of a local firm will begin your investigation with a presentation to a gathering of ORGM5000 Strategy, Change and Innovation students. The focal company has been selected as the case of interest for you to prepare an assignment around an organisational challenge it is facing. This assessment is group based (two to four students per group) so you can share your analysis and findings together. You are expected to analyse the challenge by applying design thinking processes and techniques, particularly in relation to the firm's relevant business model, to identify the "real problem" behind the problem. Another key element of the design thinking process is re-thinking an organisation's value proposition once the organisation's real problem has been identified. Since there is likely to be a disconnect between a firm's original value proposition and your re-defined organisational problem, you will need to use design thinking techniques to help you revise the focal organisation's value proposition. You will discuss how you used design thinking techniques to analyse the organisation's challenge and value proposition to reach your conclusion.

Your assignment will include an introduction discussing briefly the firm's current challenge and value proposition as identified by the CEO while in the main discussion you will demonstrate the clear application the design thinking methods you used to "breakdown" the challenge into its basic components as well explain how you revised the value proposition. The assessment requires you to reflect on the design thinking techniques that were used to help you re-define the focal organisation's challenge/problem and value proposition. This reflection requires a deep evaluation of how your group applied the design thinking techniques and where you found the exercise challenging and why. Remember, you are not providing a solution to the redefined organisational challenge in this assessment but instead discussing the effectiveness of the design thinking techniques in getting you to understand more deeply the key issues the focal organisation is facing. The word length for this assessment is 2,500 words regardless of the number of students in your group. You are expected to cite at least ten (10) references, using Chicago Referencing, to support your discussion. Grading criteria and relevant marking guide are available on the Assessment link on Blackboard.

It is imperative that each member of the team contributes to the writing of the group component of the report. In the event of a conflict within teams, students must undertake the following process prior to presenting their concerns to the Unit Coordinatorl

  • Students must address issues early (do not leave the problem until the week before the assessment is due)
  • Call a meeting with all group members to discuss a concern or a breach of contract/agreement
  • If resolution is not achieved, request mediation by another student with the class
  • If resolution is not achieved, request mediation by the lecturer
  • If resolution is not achieved, present the concern to the Unit Coordinator

You will be allocated a mark for your project and to ensure that eve!), individual in the group gets his or h well-deserved mark for the group assignment, the group members will determine how the marks will be distributed across all team members. Please refer to the Assessment link on the ORGMS000 Strategy, Change and Innovation Blackboard site for further information and also in the additional information section of the unit outline. This assignment must be submitted to Turnitin. The final version of your assignment submitted to Turnitin will graded by your instructor. As this is a group assignment, please ensure only one group member is allocated the task of submitting the final assignment to Turnitin. Submissions from multiple group members will result in a high number of matches and will require investigation from your instructor and unit coordinator for further action. Please note, paper submissions will not be accepted and therefore will not be graded. Please review the marking criteria for this assessment via the relevant link on the ORGM5000 Strategy, Change and Innovation Blackboard site.

Task -

  • Articulation of how the design thinking techniques were used to analyse the organisation's challenge and value proposition
  • Reflection on how the design thinking techniques can be of value in redefining an organisational problem and value proposition.
  • Strength and effectiveness of the arguments.
  • Relevance and depth of research information used to support the group's discussion (including number of references).
  • Conclusion synthesized the analysis of the organisational problem and provided the revised challenge and value proposition.

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Business Management: Articulation of how design thinking techniques were used to
Reference No:- TGS02292847

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