
Articles about nutrition and specific health issues choose

Articles about nutrition and specific health issues. Choose two that you believe to be related for the essay assignment and follow these instructions:

A. Name and citation for the focus articles you selected from the links below or from popular press. (Total of two citations)

B. General statement of topic for each of the two focus article (1-3 sentences each article) ...eg., "This article was about the potential use of leaches to cure....."

C. Specific claims of cause and effect (3-10 sentences, approximately 2 paragraphs for each focus article) ...eg., "According to Dr. Merrill of the Plank Institute, treatments involving leaches were ten times more likely to leave the patient symptom free that the other alternatives tested." Based on Dr. Merrill's work..... (Cause and effect would be that the leaches caused the effect of patient being symptom free).

D. Locate and cite two sources of information from scholarly literature about each focus article topic. (APA or MLA format for citations)

E. Summarize each of the four scholarly articles - Two for each focus article (No more than three paragraphs for each summary, one paragraph may be adequate).

F. Using all four of the scholarly articles as resources, write a personal position paper about the validity of the claims made in the original articles. In other words, were the claims made in your focus articles supported, partially supported, or refuted by the scholarly articles?

1. Blueberries for High Blood Pressure & Hardened Arteries

2. Woman uses raw foods to cure thyroid cancer

3. Doctor prescribed aspirin killed millions

4. Eat organic one week: reduce pesticide levels by 90%

5. Link between bras and breast cancer.

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Biology: Articles about nutrition and specific health issues choose
Reference No:- TGS0996151

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