
Article-the perils and pitfalls of leading change


1. Read the article titled "The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change". Next, analyze the change that was implemented by Daniel Oliveira. Synthesize the change based on Kotter's eight (8) steps for leading change. Determine if Oliveira followed the Kotter model. Select one (1) of the steps to assess and determine if Oliveira accomplished this step. Why was this an important step? Comment on how following the model may have made his change successful.

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After reading all the steps in the Kotter's eight steps for change I think that one of the steps that Oliveira needed to work on was step number 5 which is removing obstacles. He should have been continuously checking for obstacles or people who was resisting the change and tried to implement proactive actions to remove the barriers (Management Study Guide, 2018). Oliveira had managers who refused to follow his change and only did the changes when he was there to personally supervise or implement the changes himself. Once he was off working in another department the changes stopped. If the managers would have been on board with the changes then the employees wouldn't have been resistant to the changes. When the managers resisted the change then naturally the employees were going to follow suit. I think that Oliveira should have given the managers consequences for not following the change and this would have shown them that he was serious about the changes that he wanted to implement. He should have also tried to recruit people to help him with the changes so that the other employees would have started doing the changes.

If he would have followed every step in the model I think that he would have been successful with the changes. He started off good by creating an urgency I think that he fell short on a couple of the steps such as steep 2 which is forming a powerful guiding coalition. He needed someone to help him enforce the changes. He also needed to follow step 5 and 6 which was to remove obstacles and creating short-term wins. Once of the disadvantages of the Kotter model is that skipping even a single step could result in serious problems (Management Study Guide, 2018) and in my opinion he skipped too many steps for it to succeed. If he would of followed the model I believe that he would have been able to cut back on the resistance and gotten everyone to do what he wanted to them to do and the employees probably would of seen a difference with the changes and when he introduced more changes they would have been happy to follow along.

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Other Subject: Article-the perils and pitfalls of leading change
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