Article Review: Research Methodology
I have questions re: this article:
1. What is the purpose of the study?
2. What is the problem, theory, and/or research context that gave rise to the study.
3. What is the research question(s) and major hypotheses.
4. What are the methods used: e.g., subjects, measures, & procedures.
5. What are the analyses and findings: statistics (e.g. means, R's, F's, etc.) as appropriate, and reported p values.
6. Please summarize the author's discussion.
7. Can you please help me evaluate the study concentrating on:
Part 2
1. worthwhileness of the study;
2. adequacy of methods used;
3. confounding variables and/or limitations on the generalizability of findings;
4. whether or not discussion and conclusions are justified by reported findings;
5. appropriateness of statistical procedures utilized and why; and
6. overall evaluation.
Attachment:- Prejudice From Thin Air.rar