
Article related to physical geography

Evaluation paper:

Paper instructions:

For this assignment, Find an article and write an evaluation paper on a full- sized GWC Database authoritative researched backed article that relates to physical geography. An evaluation paper is a critical analysis of the topic, typing in elements of this course to the subject of the article (it is not a summary of what was read). Also include your impressions regarding the subject matter in our analysis.

In addition, include the GWC database article and link with all the source information parenthetically cited throughout your paper and referenced (author, article title, date, journal, name, issue, and pages) at the end of the paper.

Write thorough, grammatically accurate, complete sentences. It will be graded on clarity of ideas and following format rules.

Authoritative, research backed article related to Phys Geog

Environmental (Human Impact) topic examples – Check text Global Warming, sea level change, ecosystem change (deforestation, desertification, dams, coral reef or wetland degradation…), energy use (renewable, nuclear, fossil fuel…), biotic damage or loss, fresh water contamination or depletion, population stresses on resources (food…)

Natural Processes examples – Ck chapter titles & subtitles Regular cycles (time, seasons…), natural event processes (adiabatic principle, orographic precipitation, extreme weather event development…), biogeography / food webs, plate tectonics, soil or landform development, water processes

Be aware of bias Follow Paper Guidelines (Syllabus)
Relate course material; cite & reference text or other sources

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Other Subject: Article related to physical geography
Reference No:- TGS01436869

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