
Article read and review a professionally researched article

Part -1:

• For article read and review a professionally researched article on Interoperability or Open Source (follow syllabus guidelines and AR rubric). 2 paragraphs.

• For AR, scan over the entries, links and articles from the last seven years on my blog, "Educating the Digital Tribe blog" found at: and pick at least two to read and review in detail.

In a paragraph or two enter your reactions in the blog's comments area under that article instead of the discussion board.

• Please see the rubric

Assignments - Second Life and Virtual Communities

Make a YouTube video publication; attend and report on a live Second Life presentation or report on at least 3 other Web 2.0 community learning tools (see list below). To get started take a look at this recorded second life discussion on the use of second life in education:

After viewing the second life and please review the following and decide to either attend and write a one page review of a second life educational event such as an ISTE lecture, or create a video or slide show on Youtube or schooltube.com or explore, test and report on at least 3 of the following web 2.0 educational application.

You want to review and share with the class a free web 2.0 app that is not currently on this list.

For this module discussion we will be trying something new. As an alternative to writing a discussion to these videos, you are asked to prepare a voice thread presentation and ask your classmates to use voicethread to discuss your presentation and the assigned videos.

Part -2:

Module Ten: Social Media

Will Richardson is one of the best known keynote speakers on the use of technology in education. As a parent, twenty plus year teacher and well know educational technology blogger, he has much to say about how social media is impacting education. Please see his video lecture on Social Media and School and write no more than two concisely written paragraphs with quotes and/or references to this video content to be posted to the discussion board under Preparing Students for the 21st century discussion topic area (as well as submitting it to the assignment box in Desire to Learn for grading) as to how you are, or would like to prepare students for the 21st century. Before writing the 1 to 2 paragraph video review on these video presentations, please carefully review the AR grading rubric found at the end of this syllabus.

Part -3:

Module Twelve: A Book Report on Learning Futures

In this module, you will read one of two books Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Social Change, Facer, Keri (2011)ISBN-13: 978-0415581431.

• Please see this
• Mini Papers - MP

Mini-papers consist of reactionary essays commensurate with topics. These papers are to include references and quotes to defend your position on the given assignment. Mini-papers should be 1 page in length and no more than 2 pages, plus references. It is better to be concise and clear than redundant and ambiguous. Mini-papers representing a diversity of ideas and will serve as the basis for asynchronous class discussions.

Please share your writings with the class for continued discussion within the appropriate forum in the discussion board area of the Desire to Learn course site. Further details related to each mini-paper will be located within the discussion board area beneath the forum name.

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Humanities: Article read and review a professionally researched article
Reference No:- TGS0916146

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