
Article-project termination doesnt equal project failure


1. Go to https://hbr.org/2003/02/why-bad-projects-are-so-hard-to-kill and read the perspective on the difficulty in killing bad projects. What are some of the critical stories or pieces of advice offered by the blog writer and those commenting on his suggestions? How do corporate politics play a role in the continuation of poorly conceived projects? Which of these arguments makes the most sense to you? Why?

14.15 Go to https://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/class/comp145/media/docs/Boehm_Term_NE_Fail.pdf and read the article "Project Termination Doesn't Equal Project Failure" by Barry Boehm. Summarize his main arguments. What does he cite as the top 10 reasons for project failure?

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Case Study: Article-project termination doesnt equal project failure
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