Article i of the us constitution is to congressional

Answer the following 15 Analogy Questions

1. Ratification is to Re-Approval as
A. Presidential veto is to Congressional Override
B. Consent of the Governed (Popular Sovereignty) is to Majority Rule
C. Proportionate Representation is to size of population
D. Tripartite Government is to Federalism
E. Marble Cake Federalism is to Layer Cake Federalism

2. Judicial Review is to the U.S. federal court as
A. Concurrent Power is to Reserve Power
B. Executive Orders are to the President
C. Congress is to State Legislatures
D. Federalism is to Confederalism
E. Statism is to Confederalism

3. Majority Rule is to Plurality as
A. Specific Percentages Ahead are to Whoever Gets the Most Votes
B. 51% is to 66%
C. 66% is to 75 %
D. The greatest good is to the greatest number of winning votes cast
E. States' Rights are to Grants-in-Aid

4. Federalism is to Unfunded Mandates as
A. The Supremacy Clause is to States' Rights
B. The organization of partnership is to federal controls
C. Preemption is to block Grants
D. Unitary is to Confederalism
E. Tripartite Government is to the Articles of Confederation

5. Philadelphia is to Washington, D.C. as
A. Miami is to Florida
B. Sacramento is to Los Angeles
C. New York City is to New York State
D. San Diego is to San Francisco
E. First capital is to Second capital

6. Article I of the U.S. Constitution is to Congressional Authority as
A. Article III is to Presidential Authority
B. Article II is to Judicial Discretion
C. The Bill of Rights is to American citizens
D. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments are to Black Americans
E. Governmental rules of authority are to Operating

7. The Necessary and Proper (Elastic ) Clause is to Implied Power as
A. Marbury v. Madison is to Maryland v. McCulloch
B. Virginia Plan is to the New Jersey plan
C. Establishment Clause is to Freedom of Religion
D. Reserve Clause is to the supremacy Clause
E. Full Faith and Credit Clause is to Gay marriage

8. Write of Certiorari is to the Supreme Court's Original Jurisdiction as
A. Certificates of Appeal are to Cases Starting in the S.C.
B. State Election laws are to Federal election laws
C. Unfunded Mandates are to Dual Federalism
D. Horizontal is to Vertical Federalism
E. None of the Above

9. Central Government is to Unitary and Federalism as
A. National government is to confederalism
B. Federalists are to Antifederalists and Puritans
C. Constitutionists are to those still believing in the A.O.C.
D. Parliament is to District towns and villages
E. Nigeria is to Ghana and Benin

10. Habeas Corpus is to Mandamus as
A. One writ is to another one
B. Mandamus is to Certiorari
C. Equal Protection is to Due Process
D. Elastic Clause is to Supremacy Clause
E. Presidential Veto is to Congressional Passage of Legislation

11. Constitutionalism is to American Democracy as
A. Parliament is to Great Britain
B. Federalism is to Nigeria
C. The Mayflower Compact is to Pilgrim government
D. Theocracy is to the Puritans
E. The Articles of Confederation are to the Virginia Plan

12. The Supremacy Clause', Article I, Section 8 is to Federal Government Powers as
A. Judicial Review is to the Supreme Court
B. Executive Orders are to the President
C. Inherent Powers are to the national conduct of foreign affairs
D. Impeachment is to the House of Representatives
E. Reservation Clause is to the States

13. Impoundment is to 2/3 Override as
A. Presidential power is to Congressional authority
B. Express powers are to enumerated powers
C. Impeachment is to the Senate
D. The Presidential budget proposal is to the House Ways and Means Committee
E. Veto is to Congressional passage of legislation

14. The Articles of Confederation are to the U.S. Constitution as
A. Confederation is to federalism
B. Parliament is to Congress
C. Weak is to strong
D. A state-centered contract is to a federal-state partnership contract
E. Constitutional amendments are to the U.S. Constitution

15. Interest group politics are to American democracy as
A. The framework is to a house D. A man is to a woman
B. Cheese is to a pizza E. A mother is to a child
C. An engine is to an automobile

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