
Article analysis-contributing to your argument

Article analysis:

Project description:

Find an article in the news, a scientific or scholarly article, opinion peice that is current (something that is ongoing or may happen in the near future) that pertains to energy or resourece production, transport or utilization. Analyze the article/document using material from the class, your own experience, or anything else that contributes to your argument/discussion. Use your own words, and make sure you attribute quotes and source material. A good outline is:

Paragraph one:

Article, title author and topic. Why is this interesting/important, and how does it relate to energy and environment.

Paragraph two:

The core of the article/document, its data, basis and sources. Anything else important.

Paragraph three:

Summary of the article in your own words. Include your reactions, thoughts and/or analysis of the article. How does it impact/relate/interest you.

15-30 sentences. Note that more is not always better.

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Other Subject: Article analysis-contributing to your argument
Reference No:- TGS01436136

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