
Article 8 states that the state has a right to levy an

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1.) While this was proposed in the Ratliff-Junell Proposal of 1999, the change I would recommend to the current Texas Constitution would be the term limits on state legislators.

It is clearly noted the Texas Constitution is already one of the longest, strictest constitutions written but by the implementation of term limits would prevent members of the state government from attaining too much power through tenure and connections.

Additionally, many politicians see this as a career instead of an opportunity to better the community to which they live in for the better.

It could be argued that term limits would inhibit an effective member of government from continuing to make a difference, but with these limits would allow for new ideas and viewpoints to be introduced.

2.) Article 8 states that the state has a right to levy an income tax only if it could be used on education or tax relieve. After this last hurricane and the devastation it brought, I would recommend the ability of the state to still make a income tax, but add the ability for it to be used for disaster relief.

This change could help families all over our great state get back on their feet after a hard time like we just experienced. It does not have to done every year, only when a hard time occurs and people need help.

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Other Subject: Article 8 states that the state has a right to levy an
Reference No:- TGS02630307

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