- Basic plan from origin to distribution is similar in all vertebrates as per the mode of respiration.
- Main anterior aorta in terrestrial forms are carotid, systemic and pulmonary representing 3rd, 4th and 6th aortic arches respectively.
- Carotico-systemic aorta arises from left ventricle and before taking left turn it gives off a short innominate branch which later divides as left and right carotids supplying to head and neck Systemic aorta supplies to the body.
- There is only left systemic aorta that forms dorsal aorta passing along the vertebral column.
- Left subclavian branch arises from left systemic aorta and supply to arm, shoulder and nearby parts. The right subclavian arises from the right carotid since right systemic is absent.
- Pulmonary aorta arises from the right ventricle giving right and left branches.
- Posterior arteries from dorsal aorta, include mainly hepatic artery to liver; the coeliac artery supplying to stomach, esophagus and spleen etc., the anterior mesentric to small intestine and posterior mesentric to large intestine, urinary bladder, anus etc. and nearby parts; one renal artery to each kidney; iliac and femoral arteries to pehlic girdle and hind limbs.
- Dorsal aorta finally ferminates as caudal artery in tail (absent in man).
- All other branches of arteries are named according to the parts of body they supply to.