

Art Appreciation

Part One

There have been many renaissance" or a "new births" that have occurred throughout society from the Industrial Revolution, where everything that was once handmade and could now be machine made, to the current Information Age. With this change in society came a different viewpoint or perspective about art. The Industrial Revolution is known as the modern era and the art changed along with this new modernization. Textiles once not available to the mass public came available and the middle class had an opportunity to have access to and buy art. Machinery reduced the amount of labor it required to create art and other things in society (Wilette, 2013). This ushered the Realist era in art. The art showed the reality of the times.

In the Information Age there has been a new rebirth of art. Art has expanded as well as what is considered art. Instead of art being created by hand or being made in bulk by a machine, art is also created through new technological advancements in society. The computer and other technological tools are now used to create art. Art in the information age is a melting pot. Different time periods had different types of art. In this era all types of art are created including those created through new technological tools.

Part Two

A renaissance can occur when there are drastic changes in society (Kehoe, 1997). For example when society entered the Industrial Revolution every of aspects began to change from how people dressed to what type of art they displayed on their walls. Change is good. There can be good and bad in change but it is a good thing. No one wants to spend the next 1,000 years looking at the same art but can instead enjoy the art of the past and allow it to influence the art of the future. A renaissance is considered a rebirth because it gives society a new opportunity for change.

Thanks to the Industrial Revolution women no longer spent hour's hand scrubbing the laundry and men did not have to beak their backs performing manual labor. With every change in society has come a major improvement but also major challenges. In current society we are in a renaissance with the birth of new and advancing technologies. With these advancements have come changes in every aspect of life. These changes impact America and all of global society.

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