

Abstract Art

Part One

Abstract art emerged in the early 20th Century where artist painted object without providing an actual representation of the object or applying any particular technique. Before abstract art emerged in society artist believed art was created out of specific techniques learned from the masters. Abstract art ignores all of the painting styles taught for centuries and instead involves bright colors and subjective content. This content may appear to be one thing to one person and another to another person. Abstract art is criticized because it not only rejects the techniques of the past but it does not necessarily portray any actual object.

Abstract art is art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What this means is what one person believes is beautiful another person may not. Abstract art is about passion and emotion. Instead of focusing on a particular object thee art is developed from within (Armstrong, 2007). Art can be all types of things as long as it brings interest or enjoyment. I agree with Ellen Key's quote "The more horrifying this world becomes, the more art becomes abstract." Life is not always a pretty picture and artist do not always want to paint what they are told but what they want to paint. When painting with emotion the results may be distorted or abstract.

I disagree with the quote by Al Capp "a product of the untalented sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered" but understand why someone from the 19th century might reject this type of art. Abstract art is art it is just different art than some people prefer. Abstract art in the 21st Century is as normal as impressionism in the mid 19th Century. It might not be preferred by everyone but it is considered valid art by many.

Part Two

Even abstract art is as equally beautiful as other arts the art from the Renaissance period is extremely beautiful and memorable. Even though abstract art is important it is an art that is loved only by some. I prefer art to be more realistic and less Avant-Garde but that does not mean there is not beautiful art in each genre. Abstract art does not always make sense and is not always visually appealing but instead the goal is to evoke an emotion or to communicate a visual message (Taetzsch, 2013). Art pieces that are more simplistic and realistic are more appealing in my case.

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