Arrangement of Entries
The actual process of filing starts when sufficient number of cards accumulate.
Preliminary arrangement
In the preliminary arrangement we sort out the cards. If the library is. maintaining author, title and subject entries in a single sequence of a dictionary catalogue we separate only the shelflist cards. If individual sequences are maintained for author, title and subject then we separate them individually in addition to shelflist cards. Series added entries are filed in title sequence.
In a classified catalogue according to Ranganthan's CCC the classified entries and alphabetical entries are to be separated in the preliminary arrangement.
Final Arrangement
The final arrangement of the entries will be done according to the rules adopted by the library. As noted in the earlier sections some catalogue codes themselves prescribe filing rules. Otherwise the library may have to adopt -any one of the standard filing rules for filing the entries. Any minor changes or adoption to suit the needs of the library have to be noted in the 'Authority File' for ready reference as and when needed.