
Arrange for the job shadowing experience or interview

Job Shadowing:

This assignment will take you into the real work world to learn about your intended profession from people who are working in the type of positions you will one day fill. You will have an opportunity to work in the field with a person in your field of study, or interview the same person. Follow these instructions to gather information to write a 750-1,000 word paper which summarizes and describes your shadowing experience or interview with the professional person you selected in your chosen field of study.

Arrange for the job shadowing experience or interview.  (An interview should only be done if there is no way to arrange a shadowing experience).

1. Job Shadowing: Find a person, through your own research, who is currently working in your chosen profession, and arrange to shadow them at their job for at least 4 hours. Interview: Arrange an interview with a professional person in your chosen field of study. If you can manage a face-to-face interview it is best, but if you have full-time responsibilities, conduct a phone interview with this professional and record both your questions and their answers in a manuscript to be submitted with your final paper for this module).

2. In this shadowing experience, take notes on the following:

a) The job duties and responsibilities,
b) What you perceive the benefits or rewards of this job to be,
c) What obstacles you perceive to be a part of this profession,
d) What you observe that motivates your continued interest in the profession, and
e) What you observe that might motivate you to change your mind about your chosen profession.

3. If you do an interview, ask questions that will result in the same information you would get from the shadowing experience.  You should ask the following:

a) For a general description of the job,
b) What the job duties and responsibilities are,
c) What the person believes the benefits or rewards of this job are, and
d) What obstacles they believe to be a part of this profession.

Be sure to take notes! After the interview, write notes about what you observe that motivates your continued interest in the profession, and what you observe that might motivate you to change your mind about your chosen profession.

4. Research current statistics related to the profession including, salary, job opportunities, advancement opportunities, benefits, rewards, retention, and anything more you find relevant.

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Other Subject: Arrange for the job shadowing experience or interview
Reference No:- TGS01435508

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