
Arhs 2002 art and society early christian to early modern

Art and Society: Early Christian to Early Modern

Erwin Panofsky and Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife (1434)

The annotated image assignment will help you to analyze carefully Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife (1434) and understand key concepts of Erwin Panofsky's seminal work on iconography and iconology. To do this assignment, you will need to read both your textbook on Jan van Eyck and the section of Panofsky Meaning in the Visual Arts text as well as watch the short video on the painting Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife.

Part I: As you have read in the section of Panofsky's text, Meaning in the Visual Arts (1974), the study of art objects could be ordered into three levels. You will be asked to identify and define these three levels and then apply your knowledge to the reading of the painting, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife (1434). Respond to the questions on the image annotation sheet found on Brightspace.

Part II: As you have learned, fifteenth-century Flemish art is often characterized by complex symbolism. The careful construction of images is not, however, unique to the fifteenth century. Using your experience with Jan van Eyck's portrait, you should select an image of a contemporary couple or figure(s) that includes symbolic references. Alternatively, you could create a staged photograph of yourself that includes symbols that help your viewer to "read" the image in a particular way. In a long paragraph (approximately 1 full page, double spaced), describe the meaning of that image based on the symbols that you have included. Are there particular objects that demonstrate the figure's/figures' status or role in society? Where are the figure/figures depicted and why? Is there a reason for the clothes that are worn? Some images have been included at the end of this document to help you think about how portraits can be staged in a particular way. For this portion of the assignment, you must include your image as a print out along with your descriptive text. Be sure to put your name on both.

What are the three objects of interpretation:

Define, using your own words, the following terms from your Panofsky reading:

  • Iconography:
  • Iconology:

Using the discussion of Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife found in your textbook and the Smarthistory video, respond to the questions below.

1. What is one interpretation for the shoes found in the foreground?

2. What is one interpretation for the mirror in the background?

3. How might the dog in the foreground be interpreted?

4. What is a possible meaning for the single candle in the chandelier?

5. What does the inscription above the mirror state?

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Dissertation: Arhs 2002 art and society early christian to early modern
Reference No:- TGS02677006

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