

Argumentative Essay

The argument paper will be in APA format, and should be 1,750 to 2,250 words in length

The tittle should be about CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.

The Argumentative Essay will have:

A title page (cover page)
An introduction
The body of your paper
A conclusion (that summarizes the content of your paper)
A reference page
Note: Again, be sure and use your course text, A Rulebook for Arguments, as a guide in preparing your paper. Generalizations, Arguments by Analogy, Arguments by causes, Deductive Arguments, Extended Arguments, Argumentative Essays.

Parenthetical citations and reference page: Be careful when using direct quotations, paraphrases or terms suggesting absolute facts or values, as these must be supported by parenthetical citations in the body of the paper, and an entry on the reference page.

You must use a minimum of five scholarly sources, with citations and references formatted in APA Manual style, which are recent (within 5 years).

A superior paper will demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate for undergraduate-level scholarship. The paper must be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors, with good sentence and paragraph structure.

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Business Management: Argumentative
Reference No:- TGS0927398

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