
Argument for or against full financial disclosure

Disclosure of financial accounting information has benefits as well as associated costs. All things being equal, investors and regulatory agencies like the SEC desire greater disclosure while businesses might prefer less disclosure requirements due to the cost of accurate disclosure. Disclosure requires the release of accurate and transparent financial accounting statements. The Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002 was in some measure a response to scandalous corporate behavior in the lat 1990s and early 2000s and was meant to increase the confidence that investors and external users have in the truthfulness and accuracy of publicly available financial statements.

In this discussion post you are to discuss either the pro or con of full financial disclosure. You must take a position advocating full disclosure and why this is beneficial for the marketplace and the economy or a position arguing that the associated costs of full disclosure outweigh its benefits.

To prepare for your original post, find a business article related to some aspect of disclosure of accounting statements. Articles from business publications like the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Barons would be ideal. You may also use an academic article on this topic. You must include the source reference that you are using to help you make the argument for or against full financial disclosure.

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Accounting Basics: Argument for or against full financial disclosure
Reference No:- TGS049059

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