

AZMotion is a medium sized company that develops and manufactures industrial monitoring equipment. You are an employee of AZMotion and work as project manager in the product development department.

The people involved in this case are:

• You are Mr. Project, the project manager. 
• Mr. Product is the Director of Product Development. 
• Ms. Marketing is the Director of Marketing and Portfolio Management. 
• Ms. Resource is the Human Resource Manager. 
• Functional line managers in the research and development department. 
• Engineers and members of your project team.

You have been leading a small team of experienced engineers conducting a technical feasibility study to investigate if it is possible to modify one of the company's standard products to create a product variant to satisfy the needs of the mining industry. The M1 Milestone Concept Review will be held on Friday 5th September 2014. The project management milestone concept review checklist is provided below.

The Project Management Milestone Checklist for M1

1. Are the marketing requirements agreed?

2. Are project targets agreed (e.g. schedule, features and quality)?

3. Has a feasibility study been successfully completed?

4. Is the product concept selected and well understood?

5. Are user product mock-ups circulated and reviewed with marketing?

6. Are the product and production technologies selected?

7. Have key components and suppliers been identified?

8. Has the supply chain impact of a new product been reviewed?

9. Is the project organization agreed?

10. Is the project team established and operational?

11. Is any project teambuilding and leadership development required?

12. Is any technical training of project members required?

13. Is the project plan document reviewed within the project?

14. Is the MS project schedule reviewed?

15. Is the project budget established and approved?

16. Have the project risks been assessed, mitigated and reviewed?

17. What are the key risks and how are they mitigated?

18. Are the appropriate resources identified and allocated to the project?

19. Are key stakeholders identified?

20. What are the quality assurance activities required?

21. What are the quality metrics you propose to monitor and what are the control methods you plan to use in your project?

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Business Management: Arenbspthenbspmarketingnbsprequirementsnbspagreed
Reference No:- TGS01084014

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