
Areas of presidential authority in international policy

Project description:

1. Breifly describe two (2) of the four (4) major areas of presidential authority in international policy or national security as listed in your text. (answer with three sentences )

2. What are the constitutional powers that Congress maintains while shaping national security policy with the president?(answer with three sentences)

3. Do you believe that the president should cooperate with Congress, or consult the legislative body,over matters of national security?why or why not?and to what extent should the president do so?Be sure to use supporting evidence from your text.(answer with three sentences)

4. What is the perception of otherness?(answer with three sentences)

5. Expain how the turnover of staff can be a challenge for second term presidents.Specifically,use examples from your book regarding the presidency of Barack Obama, (answer with three sentences)

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Other Subject: Areas of presidential authority in international policy
Reference No:- TGS01434743

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