
Area of industrial relations policy

Research essay:

o Task Description Write a research essay on ONE of the following topics: 1. Identify one major area of industrial relations policy and write a submission to the Minister for Employment, Senator the Hon. Eric Ab etz, setting out the importance of the policy area and making a case for change. Or: 2. In June this year, the Senate’s Education and Emplo ment Legislation Committee recommended that the Government’s Fair Work Amendment Bill be passed as it stands.

Select one or more of the proposed amendments and state your own position: should it be passed or not? Or: 3. Wasthe Commonwealth Gov ernment’s establishment of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Gov ernance and Corruption a matter of political opp ortunism or an attemptto address important industrial Etiévirelations issues? Assessment Criteria The essay will be marked bythese criteria. The essay: Showsthat you have read and researched widely. Shows that you have understood and properly summarised the relevant evidence and argument INCLUDING the relevant academic Iiteraure. Makes a case for the importance of the issue about which you are writing. Shows why your particular approach to the issue deserves consideration. References sources properly, according to the essay guide. Synthesises all these requirements into an essay.

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Other Subject: Area of industrial relations policy
Reference No:- TGS01437999

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