
Are your arguments and conclusions clear to the reader are


There are two writing assignments for this course. These directions will apply to both. Please refer to the course calendar for specific due dates.

To be eligible for credit, papers must satisfy the following general guidelines:

I. Papers must be a relevant application of course material and topics must be approved by me at least one week in advance of the final draft's due date.

II. Papers must be at least 7 full pages in length. This does NOT include header, abstract, works cited, title pages, foot notes, end notes, etc.

III. Font sizes must be no larger than 12pt. You may use Calibri (MS Office default font), or Times New Roman.

IV. Line spacing should be set to double and spaces before/after paragraphs should be removed. Margins should be left at default.

V. At least 4 resources, external to the text, must be used.

VI. Some form of bibliography/works cited must be present.

VII. You may choose which formatting style you wish to use (e.g. Chicago, APA, MLA, etc.).

If the above criteria are met, the paper will be eligible for credit. I will use the following criteria to determine your score:

1. Mechanics and Clarity

a. Do you use proper spelling and punctuation?

b. Is your vocabulary varied? Is it an obstacle? Are you paraphrasing sources primarily in your own words, quoting only occasionally?

c. Do individual paragraphs flow clearly?

d. Does the paper flow clearly?

2. Content and Research

a. Does the paper draw upon literature, analyzing it, assessing, and/or critiquing it? Are your sources academic?
b. Are your arguments and conclusions clear to the reader?
c. Are data/models used? Are tables, charts, graphs, and/or figures relevant? Formatted cleanly (in accordance with your chosen style)?

3. Incorporation of Economic Theory

a. Are economic relationships explained and used correctly?
b. Are you able to incorporate theory and use economic reasoning as the basis for your argument?

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Macroeconomics: Are your arguments and conclusions clear to the reader are
Reference No:- TGS02332883

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