
Are you currently certified in cpr and first aid

Discuss the below:

1. Are you currently certified in CPR and First Aid? If yes, please attach copies of your certifications to your application. If not, this certification can be obtained during summer training at the expense of University Housing and Food Service.

2. Explain your reasons for applying for the SSP II (Assistant Residence Community Coordinator) position at CSU, Chico.

3. What do you see as your greatest strengths? How do they contribute to your career? What are the areas in which you want to grow professionally? How are you going to accomplish your professional growth goals?

4. Please describe relevant experiences you have had working with people from backgrounds other than your own. Explain how the experience challenged you.

5. Describe your personal work style; then describe an incident in your life that illustrates that style.

6. Describe in detail any experience you may have had facilitating programs or workshops. How many attended the workshops you prepared?

7. Note: References will not be contacted without your permission. List the last three persons who have directly supervised you and include their position title and phone number. Include only those supervisors who have directly supervised you during the past five years.

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Other Subject: Are you currently certified in cpr and first aid
Reference No:- TGS01870302

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