
Are you a deontologist or a teleologist


Teleological theories (teleology from the Greek telos: goal, end, or purpose) hold that the moral rightness of actions is measured by the results they bring about. (Virtue ethics is a sort of teleology, in which right actions lead to right character, which leads to the best sort of life.)

Deontological theories (from the Greek deon: duty) hold that the moral rightness of actions consists in their adhering to moral rules. Cultural relativisim is a deontology, since it holds that rightness is a matter of following the rules of one's own culture (or the culture one finds oneself in).

Are you a deontologist or a teleologist? Let's find out with a thought experiment. (A thought experiment presents us with a situation, generally one that is not factual, but in which we can explore our own intuitions about an issue.):

Suppose you were in a position to cure cancer for everyone who has it or will ever have it if you took one innocent young person (college-age, say, but NOT yourself!) to experiment on in a way that would kill them. Would you do it? Why or why not?

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