
Are those policies effective responses to the problems or

Discussion : Policy Development

Often, policymakers develop policies in response to a recent societal problem or event. Whereas some societal problems, such as homelessness, unemployment, and poverty, require long-term policy development and refinement, society sometimes demands immediate policy implementation in response to events or problems that proved dangerous for society at large.

For example, the U.S. terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the subsequent terrorist threats heightened airport security and created item restrictions for airplane carry-on luggage.

Over time, policymakers adjusted these policies as the danger appeared less imminent due to the development of other policies. What policies are you aware of that policymakers developed in response to a societal problem or event?

Are those policies effective responses to the problems or events? If not, how might you change them in order to make them more effective?

For this Discussion, review this week's resources. Using reputable news and education sources, search for an event that led to the formation of a social policy.

Then, consider what changes you might make to the policy that resulted from this event. Finally, think about the role of social work (as a profession and political lobby) in the formation of the policy.

Post a brief explanation of the event you selected that led to the formation of a social policy. Then, explain what changes you would make to the policy that resulted from this event and why. Finally, explain the role of social work (as a profession and political lobby) in the formation of the policy.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA format.

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Dissertation: Are those policies effective responses to the problems or
Reference No:- TGS02684536

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