
Are there professional and ethical code violations


Case Study

Maggie is an investment professional who works for a financial services firm. She is the relationship manager for Clients Steve and Jane, who intend to retire in ten years and are looking for a financial advisor who lives locally and is able to help them address their wealth management needs. More specifically, the Clients seek a financial advisor to provide customized active portfolio management Maggie's firm does not have a financial advisor who lives locally and is available to help them. Several investment analysts had custody of ther assets with Maggie's fem. The firm established requirements that an investment analyst must meet for the firm to recommend Ctents to the investment analyst The requirements set reasonable standards for the reputation experience, and quelficalions of the svestment analyst firm and s Investment adviser representatives Magge's fem recently developed a ist of Investment analyst firms that meet the requirements after interviewing Investment analyst forms and evaluating the reputation (including disciplinary history experience, and qualifications of the farms and their investment afwser representatives, Maggie receives a fee for each recommendation that she makes to a Client of a frm approved Investment analyst in this instance, Maggie arranges for Steve and Jane to meet with an investment analyst representative of the firm-approved investment analyst who she determines will be the best lit for the Clients given the desire for customized, active ponfalo management.


Are there professional and ethical code violations? Explain.

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Corporate Finance: Are there professional and ethical code violations
Reference No:- TGS03214332

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