
Are there newer theories beyond servant leadership

Write a response in 300 words. To my peers' topic below.


1. Though many leadership theories have been proposed and implemented in the last twenty years, have these theories really reshaped organizational behavior (OB) in such a way that employees are excited and ready to help the organization achieve its goals and objectives?

2. Are there newer theories beyond servant leadership, stewardship, or transformational leadership that might reframe employees and even OB? Were theories proposed more than twenty years ago perhaps too futuristic at the time?

3. Power and politics have often been touted as influencing, even shaping, organizational behavior. Discuss how leadership might be used (the style, approach, and essentials) so that power and coercion do not shape employee behavior negatively.

4. How can you reframe employees' feelings about offshoring jobs to restore trust in leader/managers?

• Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.

o Make sure your writingis clear, concise, and organized;demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; anddisplays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Operation Management: Are there newer theories beyond servant leadership
Reference No:- TGS02802347

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