
Are there a balance and a variety of types of poems

Directions for Poetry Assignment

1. Select a book of poetry for children from the list of award-winning books on pages 136-137 in your textbook. As you can see, there are many to choose from. Once you have chosen your book you will provide the following in a Word document to be submitted for a grade:

1. Complete bibliographic information (author, title, compiler, publication date, publisher, illustrator, editor, etc.) Give the information in APA format.

2. Date and the name of award this book and/or the author/compiler of the book was awarded. That is, some of these awards are presented for the book and some are presented to the poet or compiler of the book. So, be sure to specify who/what won the award and when it was won.

3. Your evaluation of the book should answer the following questions/prompts in complete sentences using Standard English:

a. What is the topic or theme of the book?

b. How is the book arranged? Is it arranged by alphabet, numbers, subject area, etc."

c. Is the design of the book appealing to children? Describe the design of the book (size, number of pages, format of pages, font type, illustrations, margins, etc.).

d. What is the scope (length and breadth) of the book? That is, does the book cover a wide range of topics/themes or does it cover one topic/theme in depth?

e. Are there a balance and a variety of types of poems included? Or are they all one type? (i.e. all limericks, all narratives) Explain.

f. What illustrations are in the book? What do they add to the book? If there are no illustrations, do you think the book would be better if illustrations were added?

g. Are there reference aids included in the book? If so, how many and what type (i.e. table of contents, index) Is it easy to locate a specific poem?

h. Are the poems current or classic? Maybe a mixture?

i. What age range of readers do you think this book of poetry would attract?

j. Describe one way you could see using this book with children?

Create your answers in a document with your name, LIBR 4001, Poetry Assignment, at the top.

Then number your answers using the 1, 2, 3, a,b,c,... j designations. Start each answer on a new line with the letter or number first, then answer the question using at least one complete sentence for each question. Use Standard English.

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Dissertation: Are there a balance and a variety of types of poems
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