
Are the various technological advancements in health care

Specifically, you will complete the following:

• Select a topic question from the topic list. Click here for the topic list.

• Identify and use at least 1 invention or prewriting strategy (mind mapping, brainstorming, listing, freewriting, etc.).

• Develop a thesis statement and 3 strong supporting subtopics.

• Create a topic sentence outline (scheme strategy).

• Prepare a first-draft essay.

Note: Your submission should be double-spaced with 12 point font and 1" margins and include your prewriting, outline, and 500-word-minimum first-draft essay.

ENGL106: Part 1 Topics 1

• Are cell phones dangerous?

• Do cell phones create a barrier to social connections?

• Does a public school's enforcement of school uniforms limit freedom of expression?

• Are students being tested too much?

• Can school violence be controlled with law enforcement cameras?

• Does class size affect learning outcomes?

• Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?

• Are the various technological advancements in health care from individuals researching their own symptoms on the Internet to the extensive use of medical tests in diagnosis causing a gap in personal patient care? Why or why not?

•Is Web access to medical diagnoses and prescriptions creating unsafe medical practices?

• Do states that legalize marijuana cause conflict with nonlegalized states?

• Can digital art be considered fine art?

• Are new digital applications negatively affecting artists, designers, and  photographers?

• Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?

• Are personal Web pages now obsolete?

• Is social media negatively or positively affecting professional writers and journalists?

• What are the consequences of corporations legally conducting unethical practices?

• Are tattoos appropriate in the workplace?

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Business Management: Are the various technological advancements in health care
Reference No:- TGS01406037

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