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Smith Hospital
Joseph McKenna , Director Cardiovascular Institute
Kim Palinkas, Practice Manager Cardiovascular Institute
March 1, 2018
Patient Fall in Reception Area on February 27th, 2018
On February 27, 2018 patient Kelly Smith fell in the reception area which resulted in a broken left arm, and sprained right ankle. The incident was reviews with our nurses, Linda Kaplan and Lisa Muther, and our receptionist, Mary Jones. Following is a description of the incident.
Incident Summary
1) Prior to the fall, Ms. Smith was at the checkout desk of 2501 Compass Road Suite 135, Glenview, IL 60025 at 2:32pm.
2) While turning to leave the office, Ms. Smith tripped over the rug runner located directly in front of the checkout desk.
3) Ms. Smith laid on the ground holding her left arm and stated to the receptionist, Mary Jones, that she was in pain.
4) Mary called our nurses, Linda Kaplan and Lisa Muther and explained that the patient fell and is in pain.
5) Nurses Linda and Lisa assessed the situation and provided ice to the patient. Linda also cleaned up a skin tear on patient’s right arm with antibacterial wipes and placed a bandage over the tear.
6) Paramedics were called and arrived at 2:53pm. The Paramedics were able to move patient onto the gurney and brought Ms. Smith to Glenbrook Hospital.
7) Dr. Jason Robin was paged at 4:04pm from the Emergency Room, and the physician confirmed that after x-rays were taken it was found that Ms. Smith broke her left arm and sprained her right ankle.
8) Dr. Robin called Ms. Smith the following day, February 28, 2018 at 10:00am to discuss the incident and offer our apologies.
9) Ms. Smith stated she has to use crutches and is having surgery on her left arm on March 4, 2018. She will start physical therapy on March 6, 2018 at Athletico in Glenview.
Preventative Measures
To prevent a future falls by the rug runner, Dr. Robin and I have put the following guidelines in place:
We have reached out to the supplier of the rug runner, Cintas, and asked for rug grippers to be added to the bottom of the rug. This will be done on Friday March 2, 2018.
Double sided tape will be added to the bottom of the rug as an additional tool to keep the rug in place.
There will be hourly checks by staff to ensure that the rug runner is in place. A checklist has been provided with explanation to all staff members.