
Are the prices competitive will students still purchase

My Instructor has asked us the following questions below... Based on a fake case study. This study is not in the book. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability based on the above information. Thank you. The management of "Rick's Chicken Salad Bar" has asked for a research project on the views of students about the establishment of an outlet on campus. The general purpose of the project has been assigned to you. This could still be seen as quite general in its focus, however, so think about how you can refine the topic.

For instance, is there sufficient demand? What types of food do students want (i.e., will they purchase the types of products sold by Ricks)? Are the prices competitive? Will students still purchase from Rick's even if the prices are slightly higher than other suppliers on campus?

Are there other research questions that could be asked? HINT: Yes, there are .... at least 3 more :-) What do you see as the advantage and disadvantage of each project? Meaning, each research question asked How interested and able are you to undertake each alternative?

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HR Management: Are the prices competitive will students still purchase
Reference No:- TGS02477677

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