
Are state-listed species identified

Problem 1. If the EIS identifies potential effects of the proposed action/alternatives on threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat, has consultation with the USFWS or other applicable agencies been concluded?

Problem 2. Does the EIS discuss candidate (proposed, but not yet acted upon because of other priorities) species?

Problem 3. Are state-listed species identified, and if so, are results of state consultation documented?

Problem 4. Are potential effects (including cumulative effects) analyzed for species other than threatened/endangered species and habitats other than critical habitat (e.g., fish and wildlife?)

Problem 5. Does the EIS analyze impacts on the biodiversity of the affected ecosystem, including genetic diversity and species diversity?

Problem 6. Are habitat types identified and estimates provided by type for the amount of habitat lost or adversely affected?

Problem 7. Does the EIS consider measures to protect, restore, and enhance wildlife and habitat?

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Science: Are state-listed species identified
Reference No:- TGS03429887

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