
Are rising tuition costs really a problem why for

My Subject is : Democracy is the best form of Government.


This is where you introduce the topic (problem or issue or question). You have to present your information in a neutral manner (so your readers don't know which side you are on). Be sure to examine all the sides, all the arguments, about your topic. You'll need at least six (6) sources for this project. Note that visual aids are critical to this assignment, so you will want to select, use, and discuss at least two (2) visuals: charts, photographs, maps, drawings, cartoons, graphs, etc. Be sure to explain and discuss them in your own text, so they connect to one or more of the various arguments you are discussing.


This is where you discuss and write about and examine all the conversation that is going on about your topic. It's your opportunity to examine something that you are interested in, in depth, to really think about and consider all of the arguments that swirl around any controversial issue or topic. Remember that whatever side you come down on, you always want to present all arguments accurately and as completely as you can. For example, if you wanted to write about rising tuition costs, you'd want to consider

Are rising tuition costs really a problem? Why? For who?

How can you demonstrate or show the problem?

Does the problem exist elsewhere?

How do tuition costs here compare to tuition costs elsewhere? Are costs at community colleges increasing at the same rate as at the universities? Why or why not?

Who determines tuition costs?

How does the rate of change for tuition costs here compare to tuition costs elsewhere?

What does tuition pay for, anyway?

What do some of your friends have to say?
(and so on) (Note that the same kinds of questions could be asked for, say, textbook costs, or class fees, or housing costs, etc.)


This is where you briefly outline the topic and the arguments and conversations about it.

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Econometrics: Are rising tuition costs really a problem why for
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