
Are people with these attributes drawn to the social media



To create a solution, first you must identify the problem. It sounds simple, but most people prefer to call the plumber before trying to understand why the sink is plugged. For your initial post, log the steps of your own personal experiment using the scientific method. You must conduct one physical experiment and share the results by uploading a photo of your process. For your response, offer an alternative hypothesis to your classmates result. Your response could even be an alternative experiment! Save your media in this exercise, because it could be used in your final project!


Remember our question from the reading this week? We're returning to it here.

As we already know, social media affects our lives. A 2010 Pew Research Center Study found:

• Social networking sites are increasingly used to keep up with close social ties.
• The average user of a social networking site has more close ties and is half as likely to be socially isolated as the average American.
• Facebook users are more trusting than non-Facebook users.
• Facebook users have more close relationships.
• Internet users get more support from their social ties. In conjunction, Facebook users get the most support versus other social media platforms.
• Facebook users are more politically engaged than most people.
• Facebook revives "dormant" relationships.
• MySpace users are more likely to be open to opposing points of view.

Are people with these attributes drawn to the social media they use, or do they develop these characteristics because of the social media they use? It's a classic research dilemma - which came first?

Think about this in your social media use. What kind(s) do you use? Why? What do you think about the attributes listed above for different social media users? Write a good, thoughtful response to the question above using examples from your experiences with social media.

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Dissertation: Are people with these attributes drawn to the social media
Reference No:- TGS02400039

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