
Are nice hindus christian

Discussion: What does it mean to be a Christian?

The teacher asked the class: "What does it mean to be a Christian?" The class, made up entirely of Christians, raised their hands. The first student answered: "To be nice." In addition, the other students added "help each other" and "love one another" to the answer, " to be nice." The teacher responded, "So, according to your definitions, a nice Muslim or a nice Hindu would be Christian?"

1. Are "nice Hindus" Christian?

2. What is missing from the students answers?

3. Why would a classroom of Christians focus on "nice?"

4. How important, in Christian theology, is treating one another?

5. How does "Free Will" impact Christian theology, especially in terms of the belief in an afterlife; where the good are rewarded and the evil punished?

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Other Subject: Are nice hindus christian
Reference No:- TGS01913583

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