Assignment Task:
Directions: Read the "Gun Safety Case Study", which outlines the passing of gun safety legislation by Dannel Malloy, former Governor of Connecticut. Respond to the following questions, with each response a minimum of 150 words.
Q1. Before reading the case study, reflect on the following- are gun violence and gun safety public health issues?
Q2. How does this case study showcase the power of the executive branch to influence policymaking in the legislative branch? Reflect on some of Governor Malloy's strategies.
Q3. Many argue that after a tragedy like the school shooting at Sandy Hook is too late to pass public policy. However, emotion caused by such an event can often propel legislation forward and garner bipartisan support. Reflect on this.
Q4. Governor Malloy emphasizes that gun violence may be a downstream effect of larger societal issues. Do you agree that gun violence would be reduced by passing policies focusing on issues such as poverty, mental health, education, housing, and prison reform? Need Professional Help?
Q5. After reading the entire case study, has your response to #1 changed? Why or why not?
Case Study Source: Castrucci, B.C., Benjamin, G., Guerrero Ramirez, G., & Castillo, G. (2021). Public Health under Siege: Improving Policy in Turbulent Times. APHA Press.