
Are golf-n-gos current carts subject to nhtsa regulations -

Part I

  • Are Golf-N-Go's current carts subject to NHTSA regulations? Why or why not?
  • If Golf-N-Go manufactures carts capable of going 25- to 35-miles per hour, will they be subject to the NHTSA regulations? Why or why not?
  • Using the state of Florida or your own state, locate a state, county, or city ordinance that specifically permits or prohibits the use of LSVs on public roads? Why?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages for allowing golf carts to travel on certain public roads?

Part II

Golfman is considering expanding his business to China. Golf carts would be sold and manufactured in the U.S. and China. However, each facility would also specialize in the manufacture of certain parts, which would be imported and exported by each party. In negotiating a contract with their Chinese "partner," the Chinese firm expressed a desire to include an arbitration agreement where any disputes would be resolved in China.

Based on your research, readings, and the above scenario, answer the following questions:

  • What are the contractual and dispute resolution issues Golf-N-Go must resolve with the Chinese firm? Explain.
  • Which of the following issues might apply to Golf-N-Go and their import or export transactions with China? Explain at least two.
    • Export regulations
    • Intellectual property
    • Barriers to trade
    • Expropriation
    • Foreign corrupt practices Act

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Essay Writing: Are golf-n-gos current carts subject to nhtsa regulations -
Reference No:- TGS0608482

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