
Are gm foods any more of a risk then other argicultral

Are GM foods any more of a risk then other argicultral innovations that have taken place over the years selective breedings? Do the ecisting and potiental futures benifts of FM foods outweight any risks that do exist? And what standard should goverements use when assessing the saftey of trangenic crops? The franken food fenzy has given life to a policy making standard known as precationary orinciple which has been long advocated by enviromental groups. That principle essientialy calls for goverments to prohibit any activity that raises concerns about human health or the enviroment, even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. As tliveral democart MP Norman baker told the BBC: " We must always apply the precautionary principle. That says that unless youre sure of adequat control, unless your sure the risk is minimal, unlesss your sure nothing horirible can go wrong, you dont do it " but can any innovation ever meet such a standard of certainity especially given the proliferation of " Experts"that are motivaed as much politics as they are by science? And what about those millons of malnourishe peope who lives could be saved by transgenic foods?

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English: Are gm foods any more of a risk then other argicultral
Reference No:- TGS0829334

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