
Are frankenfoods a great way to improve food quality

Humans have used selective breeding, or artificial selection, for centuries to improve crops and create new varieties. The many breeds of dog are a familiar example of the results of selective breeding. Geneticists have moved beyond selective breeding into the world of biotechnology, using molecular methods to insert specific genes into organisms. Such bioengineering can create organisms that are disease- or pesticide-resistant, have missing vitamins added and much more. Someday you may eat a genetically engineered banana to get your flu vaccine instead of getting a shot.

GMOs are the subject of many controversies and intense debate. Are they safe to eat? Will GMOs escape cultivation and cause havoc in the natural world? Is it unnatural and should not be allowed? The other side of the debate, one that tends to make fewer headlines, is how will we feed the growing population? By the year 2050, there will be 2 billion more mouths to feed. How will we feed 9 billion people? Can we do it sustainably, without destroying the environment that we depend upon?

• What do you think – are these frankenfoods or a great way to improve food quality while cutting down on the use of agricultural chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers, or a terrible evil that should not be unleashed on the world?

• How many GMF’s have you eaten this week? (Do a little internet research – the answer will surprise you!)

• Does it bother you to eat GMF’s? Why or why not? Do you think the USA should be like Australia and require foods to be labeled if they contain GMF’s?

• What, if any, “biological” or environmental issues do you care enough about that you’d participate in a protest?

You need to (1) post your thoughts and your answers to the above questions and (2) reply to at least one other student’s posting. Your comments should be substantive and reflect some research into the issue. As always, be polite and respectful of others’ opinions.

Sites with information about GMOs

•What are GMOS?

• USDA’s Agricultural Biotechnology Website

• Biotechnology Overview USDA

• GMOAnswers

• Center for Food Safety

• Food and Drug Administration Biotechnology Policy

• Facts about GMOs A Project of The Grocery Manufacturers Association

• Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States

• A Lonely Quest for Facts on Genetically Modified

• Feeding the World. By 2050 we’ll need to feed two billion more people. How can we do that without overwhelming the planet?

Controvery over GMOs:

• Top Five Myths Of Genetically Modified Seeds, Busted from NPR

• Standing Up for GMOs from AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)

• Bill Gates says GM traits critical to improve drought resistance seeds, feed developing world

• Is it possible to have a civil debate about GMOs and safety? Probably not

• USDA Sued over Genetically Modified Beets: Food Wars Heat Up

• Sorry Hipsters, That Organic Kale Is a Genetically Modified Food

• Seeking Support, Biotech Food Companies Pledge Transparency

• Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea

• Bill Gates says GM traits critical to improve drought resistance seeds, feed developing world

• Is it possible to have a civil debate about GMOs and safety? Probably not

• Say No to GMOs

• Feature film “GMO OMG”

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