Defend Your Position
This week Mrs. Ashland has been asked to be a part of a shared decision-making opportunity in an effort to adopt a center wide informal assessment tool that is developmentally appropriate for preschool children. Use this information to help develop your assignment
Read the 3 headings and scenarios which present various current controversies in early education. Choose one of the arguments and then choose a side of the argument to defend using your content knowledge, knowledge of developmentally appropriate assessment practices presented in Chapter 5, critical thinking and personal philosophy.
Heading 1:
Are Formal Standardized Tests acceptable to use in preschool?
Standardized Recess Image
Heading 2:
Do you think teachers are adequately prepared to use assessment data to make instructional decisions?
Positive for Stress
Heading 3:
Should there be a form of on-going informal assessment at the infant/toddler levels?
ECE Standardized Assessment schedule.